


New and unique!

We represent you hand made Fragrance collar for dogs and cats.Totally natural quality and practical fargrance collar which are sewed from the inside fragrance gloss. Natural flowers of lavander, mint and chamomile, known all over the world as repellent plants, are sewed inside our collar.There are several colours available and they are packed in unique wooden packing.Together they form an absolutely unique product in the whole world.Collars are produced of polyester. The buckles are made of metal haberdashery.The shelf life of the fragrance collar is 4 months after opening the package. Collars are produced in following lenghts frangrances:Collars for cats with a fragrance of lavander, lenght of 30 cm.Collars for dogs with fragarnces of lavander, mint and chamomile, the lenghts of 37 cm, 47 cm, 57 cm, 67 cm and 77 cm.The market

covers wholesales and retails, and we are also able to export uor fragrance collars to other countries.Due to this reason we are looking for business associates who would form with our quality team and with whom we would form a sales network and who would put our products on the market in Serbia and other countries in the region and worldwide. In case you are intrested to join us in this projekt, please contact us at:

Diktal Commerce, Vranići BB, ČačakTel: +381 64 54 47 776

e-mail: mydogserbia@gmail.com

www.dresurapsa.com  /   www.diktalgreen.com



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